Conversion of
Atmospheric Electricity
Source : Fonte:
Nel 1920
l'ingegnere tedesco Hermann Plauson Pubblicò un testo "Gewinnung und
Verwertung der Atmospharischen Elektrizitat" (Acquisizione e utilizzo
dell'elettricità atmosferica).
Dove concluse che l'elettricità atmosferica poteva essere catturata e
sfruttata da parte degli uomini.
a tal proposito:
"L'umanità sarà libera dalla preoccupazione per la minaccia della morte
da congelamento, sapendo che in un tempo prevedibile sarà possibi9le
sfruttare appieno le risorse naturali... L'umanità non dovrà più
soffrire il freddo, perchè madre natura le farà dono di abbondante
Plauson progettò una serie di palloni aerostatici gonfiati ad elio, in
grado di raccogliere l'elettricità atmosferica nel cielo; tramite
l'utilizzo di rettificatori a termoionica, condensatori a bottiglie di
Leida e bobine induttrici, la sua idea era fornire energia alla
Germania intera.
International Research: Atmospheric Electricity Research
& Invention (Feb. 1922): "Power from the Air" (I)
& Invention (March 1922): "Power from the Air" (II)
Patents (List)
Plauson: USP # 1,540,998 -- Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity
Plauson: British Patent # 157,262 -- Improvements in Electric Motors
Plauson: British Patent # 157,263 -- Process & Apparatus for
Converting Static Atmospheric Electrical Energy into Dynamic Electrical
& Invention ( June 1928 ) - "Harnessing
Nature's Electricity"
H. Plauson :
British Patent # 299735 -- Process for Producing Rapidly
Moving Electrons [ PDF ]
Plauson : Gewinnung und Verwertung der
Elecktrizitat ( 1922 ) [ PDF ]
Hermann Plauson was an Estonian engineer and
inventor. Plauson investigated the production of energy and power via
atmospheric electricity.
Plauson was the director of the Fischer-Tropsch "Otto
Traun Research Laboratories" in Hamburg, Germany during the Weimar
Republic of the 1920s. He built on Nikola Tesla's idea for connecting
machinery to the "wheelwork of nature". Plauson's US Patent # 1,540,998
describes methods to convert alternating radiant static electricity
into rectified continuous current pulses. He developed the Plauson's
converter, an electrostatic generator. In 1920, Plauson published a
book titled "Production and Utilization of the Atmospheric
Electricity" (Gr., Gewinnung und Verwertung der Atmospharischen
Elektrizitat). A copy of this book is in the British Library.
It is believed that he was related to Gertrud Plauson (the
exact relationship is unknown; she may be his wife).
"Power from the Air". Science and Invention , Feb.
1922, no. 10. Vol IX, Whole No. 106. New York. ( nuenergy.org )
"Power from the Air". Science and Invention , March 1922.
Science and Invention, Vol. IX (106) #10 (February
Power from the Air (I)
Hugo Gernsback
During the war there was developed in Germany a new art
--- or science --- that bids fair to revolutionize our present means of
obtaining power.
This art, which is as new now as wireless was 25 years
ago, will attain proportions during the next 25 years that may appear
fantastic today. The inventor of the new science, an engineer of note,
Herr Hermann Plauson, has devoted years of labor to his researches and
he has now actually in use small power plants, that generate
electricity direct from the air, day and night, without interruption at
practically no cost, once the plant is constructed.
We had occasion, in one of our former issues, to describe the system,
roughly, from cabled dispatches, but complete information is available
now. The amount of electrical power that resides in our atmosphere is
astounding. Herr Plauson found in his experiments that a single balloon
sent aloft to a height of 300 yards gave a constant current at 400
volts of 1.8 amperes, or in 24 hours over 17-1/4 kilowatts! By using
two balloons in connection with a special condenser battery, the power
obtained was 81-1/2 kilowatts in 24 hours. The actual current delivered
was 6.8 amperes at 500 volts.
The best balloons used by the inventor are made of thin
aluminum leaf. No fabric was used. A simple internal system of ribs,
stays and wires, gives the balloon rigidity as well as a certain amount
of elasticity. The balloon, when made airtight, is filled with hydrogen
or better, with helium. It will then stay aloft for weeks at a time.
The outer surface is dotted with extremely sharp pins, made sharp
electrolytically. Ordinary pins did not prove good current collectors,
as they lacked extreme sharpness. The pins themselves were made from
amalgamated zinc, containing a radium preparation, in order to ionize
the air. It was also found that by dotting the outer surface of the
balloon with zinc-amalgam more current could be collected. Even better
results were obtained with polonium amalgam. Plauson states that the
function of these amalgams is purely photoelectric.
One hundred of such captive balloons, separated one
hundred yards from each other, will give a steady yield of 200
horsepower. This is the minimum, because in the winter this figure
increases up to 400 horsepower, due to the higher electrification of
the atmosphere.
We need not go into the technic of how the current is
finally made useable for industrial purposes, suffice it to say that
the problem has been entirely solved by Herr Plauson. By using
batteries of condensers, high tension transformers, etc., the current
can be transformed to any form desires. Such as for lighting lamps,
running motors, charging storage batteries, etc.
Plauson also invented a sort of electrostatic rotary
transformer which gives alternating current without the use of
condensers and transformers. Indeed, its output is very great, as it
actually ‘sucks’ the current down rapidly from the collector balloons.
There is no doubt that this invention will soon come into universal use
all over the world. We will see the land dotted with captive balloons,
particularly in the country and wherever water power does not abound.
Indeed, the time is not distant when nearly all of our power will be
derived from the atmosphere. So far it seems to be the cheapest form of
power known, it being much cheaper even than water power --- the
cheapest form of power known today. Not only that, but as the inventor
points out, no devastating thunder storms occur near such aerial power
plants, because the balloons act not only as lightning arresters, but
they quickly discharge the biggest thunder cloud, safely and
noiselessly through their grounded spark gaps.
Science & Invention (March 1922), page 1006,
Power from the Air (II)
Hugo Gernsback
[ For many years electrical engineers have endeavored to
devise some means whereby it would become possible to utilize the free
electrical energy ever present in the atmosphere, but they were not
successful, as every now and then an extra heavy surge of static
current would rush down the elevated conductor and endanger the lives
of the experimenters, or else destroy the apparatus connected with it.
A German engineer has, however, devised the somewhat elaborate scheme
here shown in brief, and he has succeeded, at least so his report
states, in safely extracting several kilowatts of electrical power from
the atmosphere with metallic surfaced balloons, elevated to a height of
only 1000 feet. ]

We have previously treated of the extraction of electrical
energy from the atmosphere. The difference of electric potential in
different parts of the atmosphere, and the difference between the upper
air and earth make it a tempting proposition to obtain power from
atmospheric electricity. The power would take the form of high
potential difference with a discharge almost of a static nature. It has
long appeared rather doubtful to conservative engineers, if such a
source of power should really be available. Yet when we see the
lightning flash, it certainly suggests very high power, even though the
total of its energy may be small, on account of the small duration of
the discharge It is not to the thunder storm that we look for getting
power from the atmosphere, as the subject is now being seriously
investigated. A German scientist, Hermann Plauson, has published a very
elaborate work on this subject, and has investigated the use of kites,
balloons and towers, for the utilization of the high potentials
existing in the air at different altitudes, and has studied out the
construction of motors to be operated by the peculiar type of discharge
which will be obtained, if the projects are successfully carried out.
We will first speak of the methods used for collecting
electricity from the upper air. The author cites several German
patents. One of them shows the use of a kite balloon. The balloon is
shown floating in the air, kite fashion, and from it hangs a great net
or aerial for the collection of electricity. The conductor from the
aerial leads to the ground station; quite an elaborate description is
given of the net-work which the patentee proposes to have covered with
needle points. A windlass takes in or pays out cable for the balloon,
and the patentee claims that by sending the apparatus to a height of
about one mile he will have 225,000 volts to draw upon. He then speaks
o a battery of 20,000 cells in series, which will use up to 40,000 to
50,000 volts in the charging. This certainly provides for a reasonable
large fall of potential.
But our author discards this idea and first suggests
something more permanent. He proposes the erection of towers to be in
the neighborhood of 1,000 feet high, or about the height of the Eiffel
Tower. At the summit he has his collecting aerial. The appliance
consists of a number of copper tubes; within each one he proposes to
burn gas lamps, whose products of combustion will reach the aerial, a
collecting net-work covering the tops of the tubes. One of his
apprehensions is that if rain should wet his connections trouble might
ensue, so he proposes a protection at the top in the shape of a great
bell-like shield, resembling in his terms “a Siamese pagoda”. He also
compares the form of the protection to that of a great petticoat
insulator. Another of his difficulties is that he must have his tower
insulated from the earth. He, therefore describes a complicated
foundation for his structure. He proposes first to pour in at the
bottom of the excavation a foundation of simple concrete. On this he
places a layer of asphalt, and then a layer of cast glass, three to ten
feet thick, and then comes a reinforced concrete foundation, to which
the metallic foot of the tower is to be anchored. This foundation must
rise at least seven feet above the ground level, and is to be boarded
in on all sides to protect it from moisture. The author’s idea s to
erect a number of these towers connected by a horizontal cable, to
which the aerials for collection of potentials are secured.
The author strongly advocates balloons as collectors of
the electric power of the air. These he depicts covered with spots.
These spots indicate areas to be variously coated and prepared to
collect potential from the atmosphere.
In the first place he describes the balloon as made of
thin metallic leaf supported by internal ribs. Steel wires
silver-plated, copper-plated, or aluminum-coated, run from the balloon
to the pendant or junction ring. To this ring the tether cable is
attached and runs to an insulated windlass on the surface of the earth.
The balloon is to rise to an altitude varying from 300 feet to three
The coating of the spots is to be of the thinnest amalgam,
of mercury and gold, or zinc, or even polonium, perhaps only 1/2500
inch thick. All over the upper face of the balloon are numberless metal
points. To prepare the needle-like wires, they are collected into
bundles and are treated electrolytically in a bath, so as to be
dissolved in part. This gives a sharp point and roughened surface, all
adapted for collecting the electric energy. The points may be of
copper, steel, or some hard metallic alloy. After this corrosion. As it
may be termed, the wires are plated with gold or other of the so-called
noble metals. It is advised that polonium or radium salts be added to
the plating bath.
Dr Plauson devotes many pages of his book to describing
his motor. This is a rotary motor including a stator and rotor and its
peculiarity is that it contains no coils, develops no electromagnetic
field properly speaking, but works by static excitation. One typical
arrangement is shown in our illustration. The stator plates and rotor
plates are concentric with each other, representing segments of
cylinders. The alternation of negative and positive charged plates
produces the rotation. In the connections there is included a safety
spark gap to take care of dangerous potentials. Inductances and
capacities are also used and indicated. It was found that the plates
heated, owing to the Foucalt currents, and to overcome this, several
methods of subdividing the stator and rotor plates, are described by
the author.
The whole subject is quite captivating, and it really
seems as if the utilization of the electricity of the air may be almost
in sight. It would seem possible to carry out experiments in this
direction by means of the Eiffel Tower, but of course, the trouble here
is that the tower is grounded, and perfect insulation of the collecting
surface is absolutely essential.
And now our author gives us some practical details. He
says that on the Finland plains he carried out experiments with a
balloon made of aluminum leaf with collecting needles of amalgamated
zinc with a radium preparation as an ionizer. The surface of the
balloon was sprinkled over with zinc amalgam. It was sent up to a
height of 300 meters, early 1,000 feet, and was held by a copper-plated
steel wire. A constant current of 1.8 amperes at an average of 400
volts potential difference was obtained. This gave nearly
three-quarters of a kilowatt, or close to one horsepower. The collector
of the balloon insulated from the earth showed a tension of 42,000
volts. By sending up a second balloon with an antenna to the same
height at a distance of 100 meters from the first balloon, a current of
over 3 amperes was obtained. Then by putting into the circuit a large
condenser, whose capacity was equal to the surface capacity of both
balloons, and of the antenna connections, the current rose to 6.8
amperes with about 500 volts mean tension. By the use of these two
balloons, he eventually ran up the power to 3.4 kilowatts.
Science & Invention ( June 1928 )
Plauson's Electrical Patents
USP # 1,540,998
Conversion of Atmospheric Electric Energy
Improvements in Electric Motors
Process and Apparatus for Converting Static Atmospheric
Electrical Energy into Dynamic Electrical Energy of any Suitable High
British Patent # 299,735
Apparatus for Producing Rapidly Moving Electrons
Elektrisk uppvärmningsanordning
Varmelegeme med elektriske varmemodstande
Dispositif de chauffage électrique
Elektrisches Heizsystem
Elektrischer Heizkörper zur Erwärmung von Flüssigkeiten
Elektrolyt fuer unmittelbare elektrische
Warmwasser-Radiatorenheizung mit Elektroden
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Elektroden und
Schleifkontakten fuer Dynamomaschinen
Elektrode und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung
Electrode for Electrolytic Apparatuses
Atmospheric Electricity Research
[ Excerpts ]
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a large
number of researchers investigated ways to extract electrical power
from the Earth's ambient electric field.
The leader in this field was Dr Hermann Plauson who in the
1920s succeeded in generating significant quantities of electrical
power comparable with modern solar photovoltaic systems of a similar
The leader in this field before the Second World War
appears to have been Dr Hermann Plauson. Dr Plauson was an Estonian
citizen who lived in Hamburg and Switzerland. He carried out
experiments in Finland with aerostats manufactured from
magnesium-aluminium alloy, covered with electrolytically deposited
needles. The needles were further doped with a radium compound to
increase local ionisation of the air. (This was the era in which the
hands of watches were hand painted with radium to make them luminous in
the dark). Zinc amalgam patches were also painted onto the
aerostats. Plauson obtained a power output of between 0.72kW and
3.4kW from one and two aerostats 300m above ground level. Dr Plauson
filed patents in the USA, Great Britain and Germany in the 1920s. His
book "Gewinnung und Verwertung der Atmosphärischen Elektrizität" is the
most detailed known account of the technology.
Other atmospheric electricity researchers contemporary to
Dr Plauson included Walter Pennock and MW Dewey in the USA, Andor
Palencsar in Hungary and Dr Heinrich Rudolph in Germany.
Hippolyte Charles Vion in Paris predated them all, putting forward
proposals in the 1850s and 1860s.
Heinrich Rudolph made an interesting contribution to the
design of the aerostat collectors. In 1898 he designed an
elliptical aerostat made up of faceted surfaces to minimise the effect
of wind. The design bears a strong resemblance to Northrop's 2003
UCARS unamnned helicopter UAV project. The design uses the Coanda
Effect to help keep the aerostat on station and minimise wind effects.
In recent times, the only person who seems to have been
active in this field is Dr Oleg Jefimenko. Dr Jefimenko carried out
experiments on driving electrostatic motors from the Earth's electric
field in the 1970s and has recently called for research into the
neglected field of electrostatic motors to be renewed.
MIR's Research Programme
Since 1997 we have been carrying out theoretical research
into conversion of atmospheric electricity into useable electrical
From a low level (5m high) simple zinc antenna we are able
to obtain sufficient charge to light a number of white power LEDs.
Further experimental investigations with metallic aerostat collectors
and cavity resonant slow wave antennae concepts are ongoing...
Advantages of Atmospheric Electricity
Simple and robust technology
Low Cost technology - much cheaper than photovoltaics or wind turbines
Available day and night in all weather conditions - in fact, more power
is produced at night than during the day
Available at any point on the Earth's surface
1. Gewinnung und Verwertung der Atmosphärischen
Elektrizität, Dr Hermann Plauson, Hamburg, (1920)
2. Conversion of Atmospheric Electric Energy, USP 1,540,998, Dr Hermann
Plauson, (1925)
3. Assembly for the Induction of Lightning into a Superconducting
Magnetic Energy Storage System, USP 5,367,245 Goven Mims, (1994)
4. Electrostatic Motors are Powered by Electric Field of the Earth; CL
Stong, Scientific American, (October 1974)
5. Operation of Electric Motors from the Atmospheric Electric Field; Dr
Oleg Jefimenko, American Journal of Physics, vol. 39, July
6. Electrostatic Motors: Their Principles, Types and Theory of
Operation; Dr Oleg Jefimenko, Electret Scientific, (1972).
7. Parametric Electric Machine, USP 4,622,510, Ferdinand Cap, (1986).
US Patent # 1,540,998
Conversion of Atmospheric Electric Energy
( 9 June 1925 )
Be it known that I, Hermann Plauson, Estonian subject,
residing in Hamburg, Germany, have invented certain new and useful
improvements in the Conversion of Atmospheric Electric Energy, of which
the following is a specification.
Methods of obtaining atmospheric electricity by means of
metallic nettings set with spikes which are held by means of ordinary
or anchored kite balloons made of fabric and filled with hydrogen, are
in theory already known. Atmospheric electricity obtained in this way
has been suggested to be used in the form of direct current for the
charging of accumulators. This knowledge however is at present only
theoretical as the conversion in practice has hitherto been a failure.
No means are known of protecting the apparatus from destruction by
lightning. The balloons used for collecting the charge must also me be
made of very large size in order to be able to support the weight of
the metallic netting and the heavy cable connections.
Instead of using heavy metallic netting as collectors
attached to single air ballons of non-conducting materials which are
liable to be torn and are permeable to the gas, it is proposed to use
metallic balloon collectors which have the following important
advantages ---
(a) The metallic cases are impenetrable to helium and
hydrogen; they also represent large metallic weather-proof collecting
(b) Radio active means the like may be easily applied
internally or externally; whereby the ionization is considerable
increased and therewith also the quantity of atmospheric electricity
capable of being collected.
(c) Such balloon collectors of light metal do not require to
be of large size as they have to carry only their own moderate weight,
and that of the conducting cable or wire.
(d) The entire system therefore offers little surface for
the action of storm and wind and is resistant and stable.
(e) Each balloon can be easily raised and lowered by means
of a winch so that all repairs, recharging and the like can be carried
out without danger during the operation.
It is further proposed to use a collecting aerial network of
several separate collectors spread out in the air above the earth,
which collectors are interconnected by electrical conductors.
According to this invention charges of atmospheric
electricity are not directly converted into mechanical energy, and this
forms the main difference from previous inventions, but the static
electricity which runs to earth through aerial conductors in the form
of direct current of very high voltage and low current strength is
converted into electro-dynamic energy in the form of high frequency
vibrations. Many advantages are thereby obtained and all disadvantages
The very high voltage of static electricity of a low current
strength can be converted by this invention to voltages more suitable
for technical purposes and of greater strength. By the use of closed
oscillatory circuits it is possible to obtain electromagnetic waves of
various amplitude and thereby to increase the degree of resonance of
such current. Such resonance allows various values of inductance to be
chosen whereby again the governing of the starting and stopping of
machines driven thereby by simply tuning the resonance between coils of
the machine and the transformer circuit forming the resonance can
easily be obtained. Further, such currents have the property of being
directly available for various uses, even without employing them for
driving motors, of which there may be particularly mentioned, lighting,
production of heat and use in electro-chemistry.
Further, with such currents a series of apparatus may be fed
without direct current supply through conductors and also the
electro-magnetic high frequency currents may be converted by means of
special motors adapted for electro-magnetic oscillations into
mechanical energy, or finally converted by special machines into
alternating current of low frequency or even into direct current of
high potential.
The invention is more particularly described with reference
to the accompanying diagrams in which: ---
Figure 1 is and explanatory figure.
Figure 2 is a diagrammatic view of the simplest form.
Figure 3 shows a method of converting atmospheric electrical
energy for use with motors.
Figure 4 is a diagram showing the use of protective means.
Figure 5 is a diagram of an arrangement for converting large
current strengths.
Figure 6 is a diagram of an arrangement including
controlling means.
Figure 7 shows means whereby the spark gap length can be
Figure 8 shows a unipolar connection for the motor.
Figure 9 shows a weak coupled system suitable for use with
small power motors.
Figures 10, 11, and 12 show modified arrangements.
Figure 13 shows a form of inductive coupling for the motor
Figure 14 is a modified form of Figure 13 with inductive
Figure 15 is an arrangement with non-inductive motor.
Figure 16 is an arrangement with coupling by condenser.
Figure 17, 18, and 19 are diagrams of further modifications.
Figure 20 shows a simple form in which the serial network is
combined with special collectors.
Figure 21 shows diagrammatically an arrangement suitable for
collecting large quantities of energy.
Figure 22 is a modified arrangement having two rings of
Figure 23 shows the connection for three rings of
Figure 24 shows a collecting balloon and diagram of its
connection of condenser batteries.
Figure 25 and 26 show modified collector balloon
Figure 27 shows a second method of connecting conductor for
the balloon aerials.
Figure 28 shows an auto-transformer method of connection.
Figure 29 shows the simplest form of construction with
incandescent cathode.
Figure 30 shows a form with cigar shaped balloon.
Figure 31 is a modified arrangement.
Figure 32 shows a form with cathode and electrode enclosed
in a vacuum chamber.
Figure 33 is a modified form of Figure 32.
Figure 34 shows an arc light collector.
Figure 35 shows such an arrangement for alternating current.
Figure 36 shows an incandescent collector with Nernst lamp.
Figure 37 shows a form with a gas flame.

Figure 1 illustrates a simple diagram for converting static
electricity into dynamic power of a high number of oscillations. For
the sake of clearness in the drawings an influence machine is assumed
to be employed and not an aerial antenna. 13 and 14 are combs for
collecting the static electricity of the influence machine. 7 and 8 are
spark discharging electrodes. 5 and 6 are condensers, 9 an inductive
primary coil, 10 secondary coil, 11 and 12 ends of conductors of the
secondary coil 10. When the disc of the static influence machine is
rotated by mechanical means, the combs collect the electric charges one
the positive and the other the negative, and charge the condensers 5
and 6 until such a high potential is formed across the spark gap 7-8,
that the spark gap is jumped. As the spark gap 7-8 forms a closed
circuit with condensers 5 and 6, and inductive resistance 9, as is well
known, waves of high frequency electromagnetic oscillations will pass
in this circuit.
The high frequency of the oscillations produced in the
primary circuit induces waves of the same periodicity in the secondary
circuit. Thus in the primary circuit electromagnetic oscillations are
formed by the passage of the spark over the spark gap and these waves
are maintained by fresh charges of static electricity.
By suitably selecting the ratio between the number of the
coils in the primary and secondary circuits with regard to a correct
application of the co-efficients of resonance (especially, inductance
and resistance) the high voltage of the primary circuit may be suitably
converted into low voltage and high current strength.
When the oscillatory discharges in the primary circuit
becomes weaker or entirely cease, the condensers are charged again by
the static electricity until the accumulated charge again breaks down
the spark gap. All this is repeated as long as electricity is produced
by the static machine employing mechanical energy.
An elementary form of the invention is shown in Figure 2 in
which two spark gaps in parallel are used one of which may be termed
the working gap 7 in Figure 2, whilst the second serves as a safety
device for excess voltage and consists of a larger number of spark gaps
than the working section, which gaps are arranged in series and are
bridged by very small capacities as is illustrated in a, b, c, Figure 2
which allow of uniform sparking in the safety section.
In Figure 2 A is the aerial antenna for collecting charges
of atmospheric electricity. 13 is the earth connection of the second
part of the spark gap, 5 and 6 are condensers, 9 a primary coil. Now
when through the aerial A the positive atmospheric electricity seeks to
combine with the negative charge to earth, this is prevented by (the
air gap between) the spark gaps. The resistance of the spark gap 7 is,
as shown in the drawings, lower than that of the other safety section
which consists of three spark gaps connected in series, and
consequently a three times greater air resistance is offered by the
So long, therefore, as the resistance of the spark gap 7 is
not overloaded, so that the other spark gaps have an equal resistance
with it the discharges take place only over spark gap 7. Should however
the voltage be increased by and influences so that it might be
dangerous for charging the condensers 5 and 6 or for the coil
insulation 9 and 10 in consequence of break down, by a correct
regulation of this spark gap the second spark gap can discharge free
from inductive effects direct to earth without endangering the machine.
Without this second spark gap, arranged in parallel having a
higher resistance than the working spark gap it is impossible to
collect and render available large quantities of electrical energy.
The actions of this closed oscillation circuit consisting of
spark gap 7, two condensers 5 and 6, primary coil 9, and also secondary
coil 10 is exactly the same as the one described in Figure 1 with the
arrangement of the static induction machine with the only difference
that here the second spark gap is provided. The electromagnetic high
frequency alternating current obtained can be tapped off from the
conductors 11 and 12 for lighting and heating purposes. Special kinds
of motors adapted for working with these peculiar electrical charges
may be connected at 14 and 15 which can work with static electricity
charges or with high frequency oscillations.
In addition to the use of spark gaps in parallel a second
measure of security is also necessary for taking off the current. This
precaution consists according to this invention, in the introduction of
and method of connecting certain protective electromagnets or choking
coils in the aerial circuit as shown by S in Figure 3.
A single electromagnet only having a core of the thinnest
possible separate laminations is connected with the aerial.
In the case of high voltages in the aerial network or at
places where there are frequent thunder storms, several such magnets
may however be connected in series.
In the case of large units or plants several electromagnets
can be employed in parallel or in series parallel.
The windings of these electromagnets may be simply connected
in series with the aerials. In this case the winding preferably
consists of several thin parallel wires, which make up together, the
necessary section.
The winding may be made of primary and secondary windings in
the form of a transformer. The primary windings will be then connected
in series with the aerial network, and the secondary winding more or
less short-circuited over a regulating resistance or an induction coil.
In the latter case it is possible to regulate to a certain extent the
effect of the choking coils. In the further description of the
connecting and constructional diagrams the aerial electromagnet choke
coil is indicated by a simple ring S.

Figure 3 shows the simplest way of converting atmospheric
electricity into electromagnetic wave energy by the use of special
motors adapted for high oscillatory currents or static charges of
electrical energy. Recent improvements in motors for working with
static charges and motors working by resonance, that is to say, having
groups of tuned electromagnetic cooperating circuits render this
possible but such do not form part of the present invention.
A motor adapted to operate with static charges will for the
sake of simplicity be diagrammatically indicated by the two semicircles
1 and 2 and the rotor of the motor by a ring M (Figure 3). A is a
vertical aerial or aerial network. S the safety choke or electromagnet
with coil O as may be seen is connected with the aerial A. Adjacent the
electromagnet S the aerial conductor is divided into three circuits,
the circuit 8 giving the safety spark gap, the circuit 7 with the
working spark gap, and then a circuit including the stator terminal 1,
the rotor and stator terminal 2 at which a connection is made to the
earth wire. The two spark gaps are also connected metallically with the
earth wire. The method of working these diagrams is as follows:
The positive atmospheric electric charge collected tends to
combine with the negative electricity (or earth electricity) connected
with the earth wire. It travels along the aerial A through the
electromagnet S without begin checked as it flows in the same direction
as the direct current. Further, its progress is arrested by two sparks
gaps placed in the way and the stator condenser surfaces. The stator
condenser surfaces are charged until the charge is greater than the
resistance of the spark gap 7, whereupon a spark springs over the spark
gap 7 and an oscillatory charge is obtained as by means of the motor M,
stator surfaces 1 and 2, and spark gap 7, a closed oscillation circuit
is obtained for producing the electromagnetic oscillations. The motor
here forms the capacity and the necessary inductance and resistance,
which, as is well known, are necessary for converting static
electricity into electromagnetic wave energy.
The discharge formed are converted into mechanical energy in
special motors and cannot reach the aerial network by reason of the
electromagnet or choke. If, however, when a spark springs over the
spark gap 7 a greater quantity of atmospheric electricity tends to flow
to earth, a counter voltage is induced in the electromagnet, which is
greater the more rapidly and strongly the flow of current direct to the
earth is. By the formation of this opposing voltage a sufficiently high
resistance is offered to the flow of atmospheric electricity direct to
earth to prevent a short circuit with the earth.
The circuit containing spark gap 8 having a different wave
length which is not in resonance with the natural frequency of the
motor, does not endanger the motor and serves as security against
excess voltage, which, as practical experiments have shown, may still
arise in certain cases, but can be conducted direct to earth through
this spark gap.
In the diagram illustrated in Figure 4 the spark gap 7 is
shunted across condensers 5 and 6 from the motor M. This construction
affords mainly a better insulation of the motor against excess voltage
and a uniform excitation through the spark gap 7.
In Figure 5 a diagram is illustrated for transforming large
current strengths which may be employed direct without motors, for
example, for lighting or heating purposes. The main difference is that
here the spark gap consists of as star shaped disk 7 which can rotate
on its own axis and is rotated by a motor opposite similarly fitted
electrodes 7a. When separate points of stars face one another,
discharges take place, thus forming an oscillation circuit over
condensers 5 and 6, and inductance 9 for oscillatory discharges. It is
evident that a motor may also be directly connected to the ends of the
spiral 9.
The construction of the diagram shown in Figure 6 permits of
the oscillation circuit of the motor being connected with an induction
coil/ Here a regulating inductive resistance is introduced for
counter-acting excess voltages in the motor. By cutting the separate
coils 9 (coupled inductively to the aerial) in or out the inductive
action on the motor may be more or less increased or variable aerial
action may be exerted on the oscillation circuit.

In Figure 7 the oscillation circuit is closed through the
earth (E and E1). The spark gap 7 may be prolonged or shortened by more
or fewer spark gaps being successively connected by means of a contact
arm 7b.
Diagram 8 shows a unipolar connection of the motor with the
aerial network. Here two oscillation circuits are closed through the
same motor. The first oscillation circuit passes from aerial A through
electromagnet S, point x, inductance 9a to the earth condenser
6 and further, over spark gap 7 to the aerial condenser 5 and back to x.
The second oscillation circuit starts from the aerial condenser 5 at
the point x1 over the inductance 9 to the earth condenser 6
at the point x3 and through the condenser 6 over the spark
gap 7 back to x1. The motor itself is inserted between the
two points of the spark gap 7. From this arrangement slightly damped
oscillation wave currents are produced.
In the diagram illustrated in Figure 9 a loosely coupled
system of connections is illustrated which is assumed to be for small
motors for measuring purposes. A indicates the aerial conductor, S the
electromagnet in the aerial conductor, 9 the inductance, 7 the spark
gap, 5 and 6 condensers, E the earth, M the motor, and 1 and 2 stator
connections of the motor. The motor is directly metallically connected
with the oscillation circuit.
In Figure 10 a purely inductive coupling is employed for the
motor circuit. The motor is connected with the secondary wire 10 as may
be seen in Figure 11 in a somewhat modified diagram connection. The
same applies to the diagram of Figure 12.
The diagrams hitherto described preferably allow of motors
of small and medium strength to be operated. For large aggregates,
however, they are too inconvenient as the construction of two or more
oscillation circuits for large amounts of energy is difficult; the
governing is still more difficult and the danger in switching on or off
is greater.
A means of overcoming such difficulties is shown in Figure
13. The oscillation circuit here runs starting from the point x over
condenser 5, variable inductance 9, spark gap 7, and the two segments
(3a and 4a) forming arms of a Wheatstone bridge, back to x, If the
motor is connected by brushes 3 and 4 transversely to the two arms of
the bridge as shown in the drawings, electromagnetic oscillations of
equal sign are induced in the stator surfaces 1 and 2 and the motor
does not revolve. If however the brushes 3 and 4 are moved in common
with the conducting wires 1 and 2 which connect the brushes with the
stator poles a certain alteration or displacement of the polarity is
obtained and the motor commences to revolve.
The maximum action will result if one brush 3 comes on the
central sparking contact 7 and the other brush 4 on the part x.
They are however, usually in practice not brought on the central
contact 7 but only held in the path of the bridge segments 4a and 3a in
order not to connect the spark gaps with the motor oscillation circuit.

As however, the entire oscillation energy can thereby not
act on the motor it is better to carry out the same system according to
the diagram 14. The diagram 14 differs from the foregoing only by the
motor not being directly metallically connected with the segments of
the commutator, but only a primary coil 9 which induces in a secondary
coil 10, current which feeds the motor M and takes the place of the
rotor. By this arrangement a good transforming action is obtained, a
loose coupling and also an oscillation circuit without a spark gap.
In Figure 15 the motor is not purely inductive as in 14, but
directly metallically branched off from the primary coil (at x
and x1) after the principle of the auto-transformer.
In Figure 16 instead of an inductance a condenser 6 is in
similar manner, and for the same object inserted between the segments
3a and 4a. This has the advantage that the segments 3a and 4a need not
be made of solid metal but may consist of spiral coils whereby a more
exact regulation is possible and further motors of high inductance may
be employed.
The arrangements of Figures 17, 18 and 19 may be employed
for use with resonance and particularly with induction condenser
motors; between the large stator induction condenser surfaces, small
reversing pole condenser surfaces, mall reversing pole condensers are
connected, which, as may be seen from Figures 17, 18 and 19 are led
together to earth. Such reversing poles have the advantage that with
large quantities of electrical energy the spark formation between the
separate oscillation circuits ceases.
Figure 19 shows a further method which prevents
electromagnetic oscillations of high number of alternations formed in
the oscillation circuit striking back to the aerial conductor. It is
based on the well known principle that a mercury lamp, one electrode of
which is formed of mercury, the other of solid metal such as steel
allows an electric charge to pass in only one direction from the
mercury to the steel and not vice versa. The mercury electrode of the
vacuum tube N is therefore connected with the aerial conductor and the
steel electrode with the oscillation circuit. From this it results that
charges can pass only from the aerial through the vacuum tube to the
oscillation circuit, but not vice versa. Oscillations which are formed
on being transformed in the oscillation circuit cannot pass to the
aerial conductor.
In practice these vacuum tubes must be connected behind an
electromagnet as the latter alone affords no protection against the
danger of lightning.
As regards the use of spark gaps, all arrangements as used
for wireless telegraphy may be used. Of course the spark gaps in large
machines must have a sufficiently large surface. In very large stations
they are cooled in liquid carbonic acid or better still in liquid
nitrogen or hydrogen; in most cases the cooling may also take place by
means of liquefied low homologues of the metal series or by means of
hydrocarbons the freezing point of which lies at between –90° C and
–40° C. The spark gap casing must also be insulated and be of
sufficient strength to be able to resist any pressure which may arise.
Any undesirable excess super-pressure which may be formed must be
automatically let off. I have employed wit very good results mercury
electrodes which were frozen in liquid carbonic acid, the cooling being
maintained during the operation from the outside through the walls.
Figure 20 is one of the simplest forms of construction of an
aerial network in combination with collectors, transformers and the
like illustrated diagrammatically. E is here the earth wire, 8 the
safety spark gap, 7 the working spark gap, 1 and 2 the stator surfaces
of the motor, 5 a condenser battery, S the protective magnet which is
connected with the coil in aerial conductor, A1 to A10
aerial antennae with collecting balloons, N horizontal collecting or
connecting wire from which, to the center a number of connections run.
The actual collectors consist of metal sheaths preferably
made of an aluminum magnesium alloy, and are filled with hydrogen or
helium and are attached t copper plated steel wires. The size of the
balloon is selected so that the actual weight of the balloon and the
weight of the conducting wire is supported thereby. On top of the
balloon aluminum spikes, made and gilded in a special manner
hereinafter described, are arranged in order to produce a conductor
action. Small quantities of radium preparations, more particularly
polonium-ionium or meso-thorium preparations considerably increase the
ionization, and therewith the action of these collectors.
In addition to metal balloons, fabric balloons which are
superficially metal coated according to Schoop’s metal spraying
process, may also be employed. A metallic surface may also me produced
by lacquering with metallic bronzes, preferably according to Schoop’s
spraying process or lacquering with metallic bronze powders in two
electrical series of widely different metals, because thereby the
collecting effect is considerably increased.
Instead of the ordinary round balloons, elongated cigar
shaped ones may be employed. In order also to utilize the frictional
energy of the wind, patches or strips of non-conducting substances
which produce electricity by friction, may be attached to the metalized
balloon surfaces. The wind will impart a portion of its energy in the
form of frictional electricity, to the balloon casing, and thereby the
collecting effect is substantially increased.
In practice however, very high towers (up to 300 meters is
fully admissible) may be employed as antennae. In these towers copper
tubes rise freely further above the top of the tower. A gas lamp
secured against the wind is then lit at the point of the copper tube
and a netting is secured to the copper tube over the flame of this lamp
to form a collector. The gas is conveyed through the interior of the
tube up to the summit. The copper tube must be absolutely protected
from moisture at the place at which it enters the tower and also rain
must be prevented running down the walls of the tower which might lead
to a bad catastrophe. This is done by bell shaped enlargements which
expand downwards, being arranged in the tower in the form of high
voltage insulators of Siamese pagodas.
Special attention must be devoted to the foundations of such
towers. They must be well insulated from the ground, which may be
obtained by first embedding a layer of concrete in a box form to a
sufficient depth in the ground and inserting in this an asphalt lining
and then glass bricks cast about 1 or 2 meters in thickness. Over this
in turn there is a ferro-concrete layer in which alone the metal foot
of the tube is secured. This concrete block must be at least 2 meters
from the ground and be fully protected at the sides by a wooden
covering, from moisture. In the lower part of the tower a wood or glass
house for the large condenser batteries or for the motors may be
constructed. In order to lead the earth connection to the ground water,
a well insulated pit constructed of vitreous brick, must be provided.
Several such towers are erected at equal distances apart and connected
with a horizontal conductor. The horizontal connecting wires may either
run directly from tower to tower or be carried on bell shaped
insulators similar to those in use for high voltage conductors. The
width of the network may be of any suitable size and the connection of
the motors can take place at any suitable places.

In order to collect large quantities of electricity with few
aerials it is well to provide the aerial conductor with batteries of
condensers as shown in Figures 21 and 22. In Figure 21 the batteries of
condensers 5 are connected on the one hand with the aerial electricity
collectors Z by the aerial conductor A, and on the other hand
interconnected in series with an annular conductor from which
horizontal conductors run to the connecting points C to which the earth
wire is connected.
Figure 22 shows a similar arrangement, Should two such
series of antennae rings be shown by a voltmeter to have a large
difference of potential (for example, one in the mountains and one in
the plain) or even of different polarity these differences may be
compensated for by connecting sufficiently large condenser batteries
(5, 5a, 5b) by means of Maji star conductors D and D1. In
Figure 23 a connection of three such rings of collectors to form a
triangle with a central condenser battery is illustrated.
The condenser batteries of such large installations must be
embedded in liquid gases or in liquids freezing at very low
temperatures. In such cases a portion of the atmospheric energy must be
employed for liquefying these gases. It is also preferable to employ
pressure. By this means the condenser surfaces may be diminished, and
still allow for large quantities of energy to be stored, secure against
breakdown. For smaller installation the immersing of the condensers in
well-insulated oil or the like, suffices. Solid substances on the other
hand cannot be employed as insulators.
The arrangement in the diagrams hitherto described was
always such that the condenser batteries were connected with both poles
directly to the aerial condensers. An improved diagram of the
connections for obtaining atmospheric electricity for the condenser
batteries has however, been found to be very advantageous. This
arrangement consists in that they are connected only by one pole
(unipolar) to the collecting network. Such a method of arrangement is
very important, as by means of it a constant current and an increase of
the normal working pressure or voltage is obtained. If for example a
collecting balloon aerial which is allowed to rise to a height of 300
meters, shows 40,000 volts above earth voltage, in practice it has been
found that the working voltage (with a withdrawal of the power
according to the method hereinbefore described by means of oscillating
spark gaps and the like) is only about 400 volts. If however, the
capacity of the condenser surfaces be increased, which capacity in the
above mentioned case was equal to that of the collecting surface of the
balloon aerials, to double the amount, by connecting the condenser
batteries with only one pole, the voltage rises under an equal
withdrawal of current up to and beyond 500 volts. This can only be
ascribed to the favorable action of the connecting method.
In addition to this substantial improvement it has also been
found preferable to insert double inductances with electromagnets and
to place the capacities preferably between two such electromagnets. It
has also been found that the useful action of such condensers can be
further increased if an induction coil be connected as inductive
resistance to the unconnected pole of the condenser, or still better if
the condenser itself be made as an induction condenser. Such a
condenser may be compared with a spring which when compressed carries
in itself accumulated force, which it again gives off when released. In
charging, a charge with reversed sign is formed at the other free
condenser pole, and if through the spark gap a short circuit results,
the accumulated energy is again given back since now new quantities of
energy are induced at the condenser pole connected with the conductor
network, which in fact charges with opposite signs to that at the free
condenser pole. The new induced charges have of course the same sign as
the collector network. The whole voltage energy in the aerial is
thereby however increased. In the same space of time larger quantities
of energy are accumulated than is the case without such inserted
condenser batteries.

In Figures 24 and 25 two different diagrams of connections
are more exactly illustrated, Figure 24 shows a collecting balloon and
the diagram of the connections to earth. Figure 25 shows four
collecting balloons and the parallel connection of the condenser
batteries belonging thereto.
A is the collecting balloon made of an aluminum magnesium
alloy (electron metal, magnalium) of a specific gravity of 1.8 and a
thickness of plate 0.1 to 0.2 mm. Insider there are eight strong
vertical ribs of T-shaped section about 10 to 20 mm in height and about
3 mm in thickness with the projecting part directed inwards (indicated
by a, b, c, d and so forth); they are riveted together to form a firm
skeleton and are stiffened in a horizontal direction by two cross ribs.
The ribs are further connected with one another internally and
transversely by means of thin steel wires, whereby the balloon obtains
great power of resistance and elasticity. Rolled plates of 0.1 to 0.2
mm in thickness made of magnalium alloy are then either soldered or
riveted on this skeleton so that a fully metallic casing with smooth
external surface is obtained Well silvered or coppered aluminum plated
steel wires run from each rib to the fastening ring 2. Further, the
coppered steel hawser L preferably twisted out of separate thin wires
(shown in dotted lines in Figure 24) and which must be long enough to
allow the balloon to rise in the desired height, leads to a metal
roller or pulley 3 and from thence to a winch W, well insulated from
the earth. By means of this winch, the balloon, which is filled with
hydrogen, or helium, can be allowed to rise to a suitable height (300
to 5000 meters) and brought to the ground for recharging or repairs.
The actual current is taken directly through a friction
contact from the metal roller 3 or from the wire, or even from the
winch or simultaneously from all three by means of brushes (3, 3a and
3b). Beyond the brushes the conductor is divided, the paths being: ---
firstly over 12 to the safety spark gap 8, from thence to the earth
conductor E1, and secondly over electromagnet S1,
point 13, to a second loose electromagnet having an adjustable coil S2,
then to the spark gap 7 and to the second earth conductor E2.
The actual working circuit is formed through the spark gap 7,
condensers 5 and 6, and through the primary coil 9; here the static
electricity formed by oscillatory discharges is accumulated and
converted into high frequency electromagnetic oscillations. Between the
electromagnets S1 and S2 at the crossing point
13, four condenser batteries are introduced which are only indicated
diagrammatically in the drawings each by one condenser. Two of these
batteries (16 and 18) are made as plate condensers and prolonged by
regulating induction coils or spirals 17 and 19 while the two others
(21 and 23) are induction condensers. As may be seen from the drawings
each of the four condenser batteries 16, 18, 21 and 23 is connected by
only one pole to the aerial or to the collector conductor. The second
poles 17, 19, 22 and 24 are open. In the case of plate condensers
having no inductive resistance an induction coil is inserted. The
object of such a spiral or coil is the displacement of phase by the
induction current by 1/4 periods, whilst that of the charging current
of the condenser poles which lie free in the air, works back to the
collector aerial. The consequence of this is that in discharges in the
collector aerial the back inductive action of the free poles allows a
higher voltage to be maintained in the aerial collecting conductor than
would otherwise be the case. It has also been found that such a back
action has an extremely favorable effect on the wear of the contacts.
Of course the inductive effect may be regulated at will within the
limits of the size of the induction coil, the length of the coil in
action being adjustable by means of wire connection without induction
(see Figure 24, No. 20).
S1 and S2 may also be provided with
such regulating devices in the case of S2 (illustrated by
11). If excess voltage be formed it is conducted to earth through the
wire 12 and spark gap 8 or through any other suitable apparatus, since
this formation would be dangerous for the other apparatus.
The small circles on the collector balloon indicate places
at which zinc amalgam or gold amalgam or other photoelectric acting
metals in the form of small patches in extremely thin layers (0.01 to
0.05 mm in thickness) are applied to the entire balloon as well as in
greater thickness to the conducting network. The capacity of the
collector is thereby considerably strengthened at the surface. The
greatest possible effect in collecting may be obtained by polonium
amalgams and the like. On the surface of the collector balloon metal
points or spikes are also fixed along the ribs, which spikes serve
particularly for collecting the collector charge. Since it is well
known that the resistance of the spikes is less the sharper the spike
is, for this purpose it is therefore extremely important to employ as
sharp spikes as possible. Experiments made as regards these have shown
that the formation of the body of the spike or point also plays a large
part, for example, spikes made of bars or rollers with smooth surface,
have a many times greater point resistance as collector accumulator
spikes than those with rough surfaces. Various kinds of spike bodies
have been experimented with for the collector balloons hereinbefore
mentions. The best results were given by spikes which were made in the
following way. Fine points made of steel, copper, nickel, or copper and
nickel alloys, were fastened together in bundles and then placed as
anode with the points in a suitable electrolyte (preferably in
hydrochloric acid or muriate of iron solutions) and so treated with
weak current at 2 to 3 volts pressure. After 2 to 3 hours according to
the thickness of the spikes or pins the points become extremely sharp
and the bodies of the spikes have a rough surface. The bundle can then
be removed and the acid washed off with water. The spikes are then
placed as cathode in a batch consisting of solution of gold, platinum,
iridium, palladium or wolfram salts or their compounds and coated a the
cathode galvanically with a thin layer of precious metal, which must
however be sufficiently firm to protect them from atmospheric
Such spikes act at a 20-fold lower voltage almost as well as
the best and finest points made by mechanical means. Still better
results are obtained if polonium or radium salts are added to the
galvanic bat when forming he protective layer or coating. Such pins
have a low resistance at their points and even at one volt and still
lower pressures have an excellent collector action.
In Figure 24 the three unconnected poles are not connected
with one another in parallel. That is quite possible in practice
without altering the principle of the free pole. It is also preferable
to interconnect in parallel to a common collector network, a series of
collecting aerials.
Figure 25 shows a diagram for such an installation. A1,
A2, A3, A4 are four metal collector
balloons with gold or platinum coated spikes which are electrolytically
made in the presence of polonium emanations or radium salts, which
spikes or needles are connected over four electromagnets S1,
S2, S3, S4, through an annular
conductor R. From this annular conductor four wires run over four
further electromagnets Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, to the connecting point 13.
There the conductor is divided, one branch passing over 12 and the
safety spark gap 8 to the earth at E1, the other over
inductive resistance J and working spark gap 7 to the earth at E2.
The working circuit, consisting of the condenser 5 and 6 and a
resonance motor M, such as hereinbefore described, is connected in
proximity round the sparking gap section 7.
Instead of directly connecting the condenser motor of course
the primary circuit for high frequency oscillatory current may also be
The condenser batteries are connected by one pole to the
annular conductor R and can be either inductionless (16 and 18) or made
as induction condensers as shown by 21 and 23. The free poles of the
inductionless condensers are indicated by 17 and 19, those of the
induction condensers by 22 and 24. As may be seen from the drawings all
these poles 17, 22, 19, 24 may be interconnected in parallel through a
second annular conductor without any fear that thereby the principle of
the free pole connection will be injured. In addition to the advantages
already set forth the parallel connection also allows of an
equalization of the working pressure in the entire collector network.
Suitable constructed and calculated induction coils 25 and 26 may also
be inserted in the annular conductor of the free poles, by means of
which a circuit may be formed in the secondary coils 27 and 28 which
allows current produced in this annular conductor by fluctuations of
the charges of the like appearances to be measured or otherwise
According to what has been hereinbefore stated separate
collector balloons may be connected at equidistant stations distributed
over the entire country, either connected directly with one another
metallically or by means of intermediate suitably connected condenser
batteries through high voltage conductors insulated from earth. The
static electricity is converted through a spark gap into dynamic energy
of a high number of oscillations and may in such form be coupled as a
source of energy b y means of a suitable method f connecting, various
precautions being observed and with special regulations. The wires
leading from the collector balloons have hitherto been connected
through an annular conductor without this endless connection, which can
be regarded as an endless induction coil, being able to exert any
action on the whole conductor system.
It has now been found that if the network conductor
connecting the aerial collector balloons with one another is not made
as a simple annular conductor, but preferably short circuited in the
form of coils over a condenser battery or spark gap or through
thermionic tubes or valves or audions, then the total collecting
network exhibits quite new properties. The collection of atmospheric
electricity is thereby not only increased but an alternating field may
be easily produced in the collector network. Further, the atmospheric
electrical forces showing themselves in the higher regions may also be
directly obtained by induction. In Figures 26 and 28 a form of
construction is shown on the basis of which the further foundations of
the method will be more particularly explained.

In Figure 26, 1, 2, 3, 4 are metal collector balloons, 5, 6,
7, 8 their metallic aerial conductors and I the actual collector
network. This consists of five coils and is mounted on high voltage
insulators in the air, in high voltage masts (or with a suitable
construction of cable embedded in the earth). One coil has a diameter
of 1 or 100 km or more. S and S1 are two protective
electromagnets, F the second safety section against excess voltage, E
its earth conductor and E1 the earth conductor of the working section.
When an absorption of static atmospheric electricity is effected
through the four balloon collectors, the current in order to reach the
earth connection E1 must flow spirally through the collector network
over the electromagnet S, primary induction coil 9, conductor 14, anode
A of the audion tube, incandescent cathode K, as the way over the
electromagnet and safety spark gap F offers considerably greater
resistance. Owing to the fact that the accumulated current flows in one
direction, an electromagnetic alternating field is produced in the
interior of the collector network coil, whereby the whole free
electrons are directed more or less into the interior of the coil. An
increased ionization of the atmosphere is thereby produced. In
consequence of this the points mounted on the collector balloon show a
considerably reduced resistance and therefore increased static charges
between the points on the balloon and the surrounding atmosphere are
produced. The result of this is a considerably increased collector
A second effect which could not be obtained otherwise is
obtained by the electromagnetic alternating field which running
parallel to the earth surface, acts more or less with a diminishing or
increasing effect on the earth magnetic field, whereby in the case of
fluctuations in the current a return induction current of reversed sign
is always produced in the collector coil by earth magnetism. Now if,
however, a constantly pulsating continuous alternating field is
produced as stated in the above collector network I, an alternating
current of the same periodicity is produced also in the collecting
network coil. As the same alternating field is further transmitted to
the aerial balloon, the resistance to its points is thereby
considerably reduced, whilst the collector action is considerably
increased. A further advantage is that positive electrons which collect
on the metal surfaces during the conversion into dynamic current
produce a so-called drop of potential of the collector area. As an
alternating field is present, the negative ions surrounding the
collectors surfaces, when discharge of the collector surfaces takes
place produce by the law of induction, an induction of reversed sign on
the collector surface and so forth (that is to say again a positive
charge). In addition to the advantages hereinbefore set forth, the
construction of connecting conductors in coil form when of sufficiently
large diameter, allows of a utilization of energy arising in higher
regions also in the simplest way. As is well known electric discharges
frequently take place at very great elevations which may be observed as
St Elmo’s fire or northern lights. These energy quantities have no been
available to be utilized up to now. By this invention all these kinds
of energy, as they are of an electromagnetic nature and the direction
of axis of the collector coils stands at right angles to the earth’s
surface, can be more or less absorbed in the same way as a receiver in
wireless telegraphy absorbs waves coming from a far distance. With a
large diameter of the spiral it is possible to connect large surfaces
and thereby to take up also large quantities of energy.
It is well known that large wireless stations in the summer
months, and also in the tropics are very frequently unable to receive
the signals in consequence of interruptions which are caused by
atmospheric electricity, and this takes place with vertical coils of
only 40 to 100 meters diameter. If on the contrary horizontal coils of
1 to 100 km diameter be employed very strong currents may be obtained
through discharges which are constantly taking place in the atmosphere.
Particularly in the tropics or still better in the polar regions where
the northern lights are constantly present, large quantities of energy
may probably be obtained in this way. A coil with several windings
should act the best. In similar manner any alteration of the earth
magnetism should act inductively on such a coil.
It is not at all unlikely that earthquakes and spots on the
sun will also produce an induction in such collector coils of
sufficient size. In similar manner this collector conductor will react
on earth current more particularly when they are near the surface of
the earth or even embedded in the earth. By combining the previous kind
of current collectors so far as they are adapted for the improved
system with the improved possibilities of obtaining current the
quantities of free natural electricity which are to be obtained in the
form of electricity are considerably increased.
In order to produce in the improved collector coil uniform
current oscillations of an undamped nature so-called audion high vacuum
or thermionic tubes of suitable connection are employed instead of the
previously known spark gaps (Figure 26, Nos. 9-18). The main aerial
current flows through electromagnet S (which in the case of a high
number of alternations is not connected here but in the earth conductor
E1) and may be conveyed over the primary coils in the
induction winding through wire 14 to the anode A of the high vacuum
grid tube. Parallel with the induction resistance 9 a regulating
capacity of suitable size, such as condenser 11 is inserted. In the
lower part of the vacuum grid tube is arranged the incandescent
filament or the cathode K which is fed through a battery B. From the
battery B two branches run, one to the earth conductor E1
and the other through battery B1 and secondary coil 10 to
the grid above g in the vacuum tube. By the method of
connections shown in dotted lines, a desired voltage at the grid
electrode g may also be produced through the wire 17 which is
branched off from the main current conductor through switches 16 and
some small condensers (a, b, c, d) connected in series, and
conductor 18, without the battery B1 being required.
The action of the entire system is somewhat as follows: --
On the connecting conductor of the aerial collector network
being short circuited to earth, the condenser pole 11 is charged and
slightly damped oscillations are formed in the short circuited existing
oscillation circuit formed of the condenser 11 and self inductance 9.
In consequence of the coupling through coil 10, fluctuations of voltage
take place in the grid circuit 15 with the same frequency, which,
fluctuations in turn influence the strength of the electrode current
passing through the high vacuum amplifying tube and thus produce
current fluctuations of the same frequency in the anode circuit. A
permanent supply of energy to the oscillation circuits 9 and 10
consequently takes place, until a condition of balance is set up, in
which the consumed oscillation energy is equal to that absorbed.
Thereby constant undamped oscillations are now produced in the
oscillation circuits 9-11.
For regular working of such oscillation producers high
vacuum strengthening tubes are necessary and it is also necessary that
the grid and anode voltages shall have a phase difference of 180° so
that if the grid is negatively charged, then the anode is positively
charged and vice versa. This necessary difference of phase may be
obtained by most varied connections, for example, by placing the
oscillation circuit in the grid circuit or by separating the
oscillation circuit and inductive coupling from the anodes and the grid
circuit and so forth.
A second important factor in this way of converting static
atmospheric electricity into undamped oscillations is that care must be
taken hat the grid and anode voltages have a certain relation to one
another; the latter may be obtained by altering the coupling and a
suitable selection of the self-induction in the grid circuit, or as
shown by dotted lines 16, 17, 18 by means of a larger or smaller number
of condensers of suitable size connected in series; in this case the
battery B1 may be omitted. With a suitable selection of the
grid potential a glow discharge takes place between the grid g
and the anode A, and accordingly at the grid there is a cathode drop
and a dark space is formed. The size of this cathode drop is influenced
by the ions which are emitted in the lower space in consequence of
shock ionization of the incandescent cathodes K and pass through the
grid in the upper space. On the other hand the number of ions passing
through the grid is dependent on the voltage between the grid and the
cathode. Thus is the grid voltage undergoes periodic fluctuations (as
in the present case) the amount of the cathode drop at the grid
fluctuates and consequently the internal resistance of the tube
correspondingly fluctuates, so that when a back coupling of the feed
circuit with the grid circuit takes place, the necessary means are
afforded for producing undamped oscillations and of taking current,
according to requirements from the collecting conductor.
The frequency of the undamped oscillations produced is with
a suitably loose coupling equal to the self-frequency of the
oscillation circuits 9 and 10. By a suitable selection of the self
induction of the coil 9 and capacity 11 it is possible to extend from
frequencies which produce electromagnetic oscillation of only a few
meters wavelength down to the lowest practical alternating current
frequency. For large installations a suitable number of
frequency-producing tubes of the well-known high vacuum transmission
tubes of 0.5 to 2 kw in size may be connected in parallel so that in
this respect no difficulty exists.
The use of such tubes for producing undamped oscillations,
and also the construction and method of inserting such transmission
tubes in an accumulator or dynamo circuit is known and also that such
oscillation producing tubes only work well at voltages of 1000 up to
4000 volts, so that on the contrary their use at lower voltages is
considerably more difficult. By the use of high voltage static
electricity this method of producing undamped oscillations as compared
with that through spark gaps must be regarded as an ideal solution
particularly for small installations of outputs of from 1 to 100 kw.
By the application of safety spark gaps, with interpolation
of electromagnets, not only is short-circuiting avoided but also the
taking up of current is regulated. Oscillation producers inserted in
the above way form a constantly acting electromagnetic alternating
field in the collector coil, whereby as already stated, a considerable
accumulating effect takes place. The withdrawal wire or working wire is
connected at 12 and 13, but current may be taken by means of a
secondary coil which is firmly or movable mounted in any suitable way
inside the large collector coil, i.e., in its electromagnetic
alternating field, so long as the direction of its axis runs parallel
with that of the main current collecting coil.
In producing undamped oscillations of a high frequency
(50,000 per second or more) in the oscillation circuits 9 and 11,
electromagnets S and S1 must be inserted if the high
frequency oscillations are not to penetrate the collector oil, between
the oscillation producers and the collector coil. In all other cases
they are connected shortly before the earthing (as in Figures 27 and

In Figure 27 a second method of construction of the
connecting conductor of the balloon aerials is illustrated in the form
of a coil. The main difference consists in that in addition to the
connecting conductor I another annular conductor II is inserted
parallel to the former on the high voltage masts in the air (or
embedded as a cable in the earth) but both in te form of a coil. The
connecting wire of the balloon aerials is indicated as a primary
conductor and also as a current producing network; the other is the
consumption network and is not in unipolar connection with the current
producing network.
In Figure 27 the current producing network I is shown with
three balloon collectors 1, 2, 3 and aerial conductors 4, 5, 6; it is
short-circuited through condenser 19 and inductance 9. The oscillation
forming circuit consists in this diagram of spark gap f, inductance 10,
and condenser 11; the earth wire E, is connected to earth over
electromagnet S1. F s the safety spark gap which is also
connected to earth through a second electromagnet S at E. On connecting
up the condenser circuit 11 this is charged over the spark gap f
whereby an oscillatory discharge is formed. This discharging current
acts through inductance 10 on the inductively coupled secondary 9,
whereby in the producing network a modification of the potential of the
condenser 19 is produced. The consequence of this is that oscillations
arise in the coil shaped producer network. These oscillations induce a
current in the secondary circuit II, which has a smaller number of
windings and a less resistance, the voltage of which, according to the
proportion of the number of windings and of the ohmic resistance, is
considerably lower whilst the current strength is greater.
In order to convert the current thus obtained into current
of an undamped character, and to tune its wavelengths, a sufficiently
large regulatable capacity 20 in inserted between the ends 12 and 13 of
the secondary conductor II. Here also current may be taken without an
earthy conductor, but it is advisable to insert a safety spark gap E1
and to connect this with the earth over an electromagnet S2.
The producer network may be connected with the working
network II over an inductionless condenser 21 or over an induction
condenser 22, 23. In this case the secondary conductor is unipolarly
connected with the energy conductor.

In Figure 28 the connecting conductor between the separate
accumulator balloons is carried out according to the autotransformer
principle. The collecting coil connects four aerial balloons 1, 2, 3,
4, the windings of which are not made side by side but one above the
other. In Figure 28 the collector coil I is shown with a thin line, the
metallically connected prolongation coils II with a thick line. Between
the ends I1 and II1 of the energy network I a
regulating capacity 19 is inserted. The wire I1 is connected
with the output wire and with the spark gap F.
As transformer of the atmospheric electricity an arrangement
is employed which consists in using rotary pairs of condensers in which
the one stator surface B is connected with the main current, whilst the
other A is connected with the earth pole. Between these pairs of
short-circuited condensers are caused to rotate from which the
converted current can be taken by means of two collector rings and
brushes, in the form of an alternating current, the frequency of which
is dependent on the number of balloons and the revolutions of the
rotor. As the alternating current formed in the rotor can act, in this
improved method of connection described in this invention, through
coils 1 on the inductance 9, an increase or diminution of the feed
current in I can be obtained according to the direction of the current
by back induction. Current oscillations of uniform rhythm thereby
result in the coil shaped windings of the produce network.
As the ends of this conductor are short-circuited through
the regulatable condenser 19 these rhythms produce short-circuited
undamped oscillations in the energy conductor, the periodicity and wave
lengths of which oscillations can be adjusted according to desire by
altering the capacity 19 to a given wavelength and therewith also to a
given frequency. These currents may also be employed in this form
directly as working current through the conductors II1 and
III. By inserting the condenser 20 a connection between these
conductors may also be made, whereby harmonic oscillations of desired
wavelengths are formed. By this means quite new effects as regards
current distribution are obtained. The withdrawal of current can even
take place without direct wire connection if, at a suitable point in
the interior of the producing network (quite immaterially whether this
has a diameter of 1 or 100 km) a coil tuned to these wavelengths and of
the desired capacity is firmly or movably mounted in the aerial
conductor in such a way that is axial direction is in parallel with
that of the collector coil. In this case a current is induced in the
producing network, the size of which is dependent on the total capacity
and resistance and also on the periodicity employed. A possibility is
thereby afforded in future, of taking energy from the producer network
by wireless means. As thereby in addition to atmospheric electricity
also magnetic earth currents and energy from the higher atmosphere (at
leas partially may be simultaneously obtained, this last system for
collecting the atmospheric energy is of particular importance for the
Of course everywhere instead of spark gaps grid vacuum tubes
may be employed as producers for undamped oscillations. The separate
coils of the producer network with large diameters may be connected
with one another through separate conductors all in parallel or all in
series or in groups in series. By regulating the number of oscillations
and also the extent of the voltage more or less large collector coils
of this kind may be employed. The coils may also be divided spirally
over the entire section. The coils may be carried out in angular form
or also in triangular, quadrangular, hexagonal or octagonal form.
Of course wires may be carried from a suitable place to the
center or also laterally which serve the current waves as guides. This
is necessary when the currents have to be conducted over mountains and
valley and so forth. In all these cases the current must be converted
into a current of suitable periodicity.
As already hereinbefore mentioned separate collecting
balloons may be directly metallically interconnected at equidistant
stations distributed over the entire country or may be connected by
interpolation of suitable condenser batteries by means of high voltage
conductors. The static electricity is converted through a spark gap
into dynamic energy of a high number of oscillations, and could then in
such forms, wit a suitable arrangement of the connections, observing
various measures of protection, be employed as source of energy after
separate or special regulation.
According to this invention in order to increase the
collecting effect of the balloon in the aerial collector conductor or
in the earth wire, radiating collectors are employed. These consist
either of incandescent metal or oxide electrodes in the form of vacuum
grid tubes, or electric arcs (mercury and the like electrodes), Nernst
lamps, or finally flames of various kinds may be simply connected with
the respective conductor.
It is well known that energy can be drawn of from a cathode
consisting of an incandescent body opposite an anode charged with
positive electricity (vacuum grid tube). Hitherto however, a cathode
was always first directly placed opposite an anode, and secondly the
system always consisted of a closed circuit.
Now if we dispense with the ordinary ideas in forming light
or flame arcs in which a cathode must always stand directly opposite an
anode, charged to a high potential or another body freely floating in
the air, or regard the incandescent cathode only as a source of
unipolar discharge (which represent group and point discharges in
electrostatic machines similar to unipolar discharges), it may be
ascertained that incandescent cathodes and less perfectly all
incandescent radiators, flames and the like admit of relatively large
current densities and allow large quantities of electric energy to
radiate into the open space in the form of electron streams as
The object of this invention is as described below, if such
incandescent oxide electrodes or other incandescent radiators or flames
are not freely suspended in space but connected metallically with the
earth so that they can be charged with negative terrestrial
electricity, these radiators possess the property of absorbing the free
positive electrical charges contained in the air space surrounding them
(that is to say of collecting them and conducting them to earth). They
can therefore serve as collectors and have, in comparison to the action
of the spikes, or points, a very large radius of action R; the
effective capacity of these collectors is much greater than the
geometrical capacity (Ro-) calculated in an electrostatic
Now as our earth is surrounded as is well known with an
electrostatic field and the difference of potential

of the earth field according to the latest investigations,
is in summer about 60 to 100 volts and in winter 300 to 500 volts per
meter of difference in height (
h ), a simple calculation gives the result that
when such a radiation collector or flame collector is arranged for
example on the ground, and a second one is mounted vertically over it
at a distance of 2000 meters and both are connected by a conducting
cable, there is a difference in potential in summer of about 2,000,000
volts and in winter even of 6,000,000 volts and more.
According to Stefan Boltzmann’s law of radiation, the
quantity of energy which an incandescent surface (temperature T) of 1
sq cm radiates in a unit of time into the open air (temperature To
) is expressed by the following formula:
S =
(T4 – T4o )
watt./sq cm.
And the universal radiation constant
is according to the latest researches of Ferry
(Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 17: 267 [1909]) equal to 6.30
x 10-12 watt/sq cm.
Now if an in incandescent surface of 1 sq cm shows, as
compared with the surrounding space a periodic fall of potential
V it radiates (independent of the current
direction, that is to say of the sign) in accordance with the above
formula, for example at a temperature of 3725° C an energy of 1.6 kw/sq
cm/second. As for the radiation the same value can be calculated for
the collection of energy, but reversed. Now, as carbon electrodes at
the temperature of the electric arc support on the current basis a
current density up to from 60 to 65 amperes per sq cm no difficulties
will result in this direction in employing radiating collectors as
If the earth be regarded as a cosmically insulated condenser
in the sense of geometrical electrostatics x there results from
the geometric (compare Edwald Rasch: Das Elektrische Bogenlicht
[The Electric Arc Light], page 169) capacity of the earth according to
For negative charging 1.3 x 106 Coulomb
For negative potential V = 10 x 108 volts.
From this there results however, EJT = 24.7 x 1024
watt/sec. Now if it is desired to make a theoretic short circuit
through an earthed flame collector this would represent an electric
total work of about 79,500 x 1010 kilowatt years. As the
earth must be regarded as a rotating mechanism which thermodynamically,
electromagnetically and also kinematically coupled with the sun and
star system by cosmic radiations and gravitation a diminution of the
electric energy of the earth field is not to be feared. The energies
which the incandescent collectors would withdraw from the earth field
can only case by the withdrawal of motor work a lowering of the earth
temperature ( temperature TE = 300 ) and reduce this to that
of the world space ( T = O ) by using the entire energy. This is
however not the case as the earth does not represent a cosmically
entirely insulated system. On the contrary there is conveyed to the
same according to the recent value corrected by Perry for the solar
constants through the radiation from the sun an energy of 18,500 x 1010
kw. Accordingly, any lowering of the earth temperature (TE)
without a simultaneous lowering of the sun’s temperature (Ts)
would contradict Stefan Boltzmann’s law of radiation.
S =
(s4 – T4 ).
From this it must be concluded that if the earth temperature
( TE ) sinks the total radiation S absorbed by the earth
increases, and further also that the secular speed of cooling of the
earth is directly dependent on that of the sun and the other radiators
cosmically coupled with the sun and is connected most closely with
The incandescent radiation collectors may, according to this
invention, be employed for collecting atmospheric electricity if they
(1) are charged with the negative earth electricity (that is to say
when they are directly connected by means of a metallic conductor with
the earth) and (2) if large capacities (metal surfaces) charged with
electricity are mounted opposite them as positive poles in the air.
This is regarded as the main feature of the present invention as
without these inventive ideas it would not be possible to collect with
an incandescent collector, sufficiently large quantities of the
electrical charges contained in the atmosphere as the technology
requires; the radius of action of the flame collectors would also be
too small, especially if it be considered that the very small surface
density (energy density) (
about = 2 x 7 . 109 St. E. per sq
cm ) does not allow of large quantities of charge being absorbed from
the atmosphere.
x) Calculated according to Poisson’s calculation:
; as here the alteration of the
potential or potential gradients only takes place in the direction o
the normal, this calculation assumes the simple form

It has indeed already been proposed to employ flame collectors for
collecting atmospheric electricity and it is known that their
collecting effect is substantially greater opposite the points. It is
however, not known that the quantities of current which could hitherto
be obtained are too small for technical purposes. According to my
experiments the reason for this is to be found in the too small
capacities of the collector conductor poles. If such flame or radiating
collectors have no or only small positive surfaces, their radius of
action for large technical purposes is too small. If the incandescent
collectors be constantly kept in movement in the air they may collect
more according to the speed of the movement, but this again is not
capable of being carried out in practice.
By this invention the collector effect is considerably
increased by a body charged with a positive potential and of the best
possible capacity being also held floating (without direct earth
connection) opposite such an incandescent collector which is held
floating in the air at a desired height. If for example, a collecting
balloon of sheet metal or of metalized balloon fabric be caused to
mount to 300 up to 3000 meters in the air and as positive pole it is
brought opposite such a radiating collector connected by a conductor to
the earth, quite different results are obtained.
The metallic balloon shell (with a large surface) is charged
to a high potential by the atmospheric electricity. This potential is
greater the higher the collecting balloon is above the incandescent
collector. The positive electricity acts concentratedly on the anode
floating in the air as it is attracted through the radiation shock
ionization, proceeding from the incandescent cathode. The consequence
of this is that the radius of action of the incandescent cathode
collector is considerably increased and thereby also the collection
effect of the collecting balloon surface. Further the large capacity of
the anode floating in the air plays therefore an important part because
it allows of the taking o large charges, and thereby a more uniform
current is obtained even when there is a large consumption: this cannot
be the case with small surfaces.
In the present case the metallic collecting balloon is a
positive anode floating in the air and the end of the earth conductor
of this balloon serves as positive pole surface opposite the surface of
the radiating incandescent cathode, which in turn is charged with
negative earth electricity being conductively connected to earth.
The process may be carried out by two such contacts
(negative incandescent cathode and anode end of a capacity floating in
the air) a condenser and an inductive resistance being switched on in
parallel, whereby simultaneously undamped oscillations may be formed.
In very large installations it is advisable to connect two
such radiating collectors in series. Thus an arc light incandescent
cathode may be placed below on the open ground and an incandescent
cathode which is heated by special electromagnetic currents be located
high in the air. Of course for this the special vacuum Liebig tubes wit
or without grids may also be employed. An ordinary arc lamp with oxide
electrodes may be introduced on the ground and the positive pole is not
directly connected with the collecting balloon, but through the upper
incandescent cathode or over a condenser. The method of connecting the
incandescent cathode floating in the air may be seen in Figures 29-33.
B is the air balloon, K a Cardan ring (connection with the
hawser), C the balloon, L a good connecting cable, P a positive pole, N
negative incandescent cathode, and E earth conductor.
Figure 29 represents the simplest form of construction. If
electric oscillations are produced below on the ground by means of a
carbon arc lamp or in other suitable way a considerably greater
electric resistance is opposed to that in the direct way by inserting
an electrical inductive resistance 9. Consequently between P and N, a
voltage is formed, and as, over N and P only an inductionless ohmic
resistance is present, a spark will spring over so long as the separate
induction co-efficients and the like are correctly calculated. The
consequence of this is that the oxide electrode (carbon or the like) is
rendered incandescent and then shows as incandescent cathode an
increased collecting effect. The positive poles must be substantially
larger than the negative in order that they may not also become
incandescent. As they are further connected with the large balloon area
which has a large capacity and is charged at high voltage, an
incandescent body which is held floating in the air and a positive pole
which can collect large capacities is thereby obtained in the simplest
way. The incandescent cathode is first caused to become incandescent by
means of separate energy produced on the earth, and then maintained by
the energy collected from the atmosphere.
Figure 30 only shows the difference that instead of a round
balloon a cigar-shaped one (of metal or metalized fabric) may be
employed and also a condenser 5 is inserted between the incandescent
cathode and the earth conductor so that a short circuited oscillation
circuit over P.N. 5 and 9 is obtained. This has the advantage that
quite small quantities of electricity cause the cathode to become
incandescent and much larger cathode bodies may be rendered

In this form of construction both the incandescent cathode
and also the positive electrode may be enclosed in a vacuum chamber as
may be seen in Figure 32. A cable L is carried well insulated through
the cover of a vessel and ends in a condenser disc 5. The cover is
arched in order to keep off the rain. The vessel is entirely or
partially made of magnetic metal and well-insulated inside and outside.
Opposite the disc 5 another disc 6 and on this again a positive pile of
the vacuum tube g with the incandescent cathode (oxide electrode) N is
arranged. The negative electrode is on the one hand connected with the
earth conductor E, and on the other hand with the inductive resistance
9 which is also connected with the cable L with the positive pole and
wound round the vessel in coils. The action is exactly the same as that
in Figure 29 only instead of an open incandescent cathode one enclosed
in vacuo is employed. As in such collectors only small bodies can be
brought to incandescence in large installations a plurality of such
vacuum tubes must be inserted in proximity to one another. According to
the previous constructions Figures 31 and 33 are quite self evident
without further explanations.

Figures 34-37 represent further diagrams of connections over
radiating and flame collectors, and in fact, how they are to be
arranged on the ground.
Figure 34 shows an arc light collector with oxide electrodes
for direct current and its connection; Figure 35 a similar one for
alternating current, Figure 36 an incandescent collector with a Nernst
lamp and Figure 37 a similar one with a gas flame.
The positive pole 1 of the radiating collectors is always
directly connected to the aerial collecting conductor A. In Figure 34
this is further connected over the condenser battery 5 with a second
positive electrode 3. The direct current dynamo b produces
current which flows over between the electrodes 3 and 2 as an arc
light. On the formation of an arc the negative incandescent electrode 2
absorbs electricity from the positive poles standing opposite it and
highly charged with atmospheric electricity and conveys the same to the
working circuit. The spark gap 7, inductive resistance 9 and induction
coil 10 are like the ones previously described. The protective
electromagnet S guards the installation against earth circuiting, the
safety spark gap 8 from excess voltage or overcharging.
In Figure 35 the connection is so far altered that the
alternating current dynamo feeds the exciting coil 11 of the induction
condenser. 12 is its negative and 13 its positive pole; if the coil 3
on the magnet core of the dynamo is correctly calculated and the
periodicity of the alternating current is sufficiently high an arc
light can be formed between the two poles 1 and 2. As the cathode 2 is
connected with the negatively charged earth, and therefore always acts
as a negative pole, a form of rectification of the alternating current
produced by the dynamo 3 is obtained, the second half of the period is
always suppressed. The working circuit may be carried out in the same
way as in Figure 34; the working gap 7 may however be dispensed with,
and instead thereof between the points m and n a condenser 5 and an
induction resistance 9 may be inserted from which the current is taken
Figure 36 represents a form of construction similar to
Figure 34 only that here instead of an arc lamp a Nernst incandescent
body is employed. The Nernst lamp is fed through the battery 3. The
working section is connected with the negative pole, the safety spark
gap with the + poles. The working spark gap 7 may also be dispensed
with and the current for it taken at 12 over the oscillation circuit 5,
11 (shown in dotted lines).
Flame collectors (Figure 37) may also be employed according
to this invention. The wire network 1 is connected with the aerial
collector conductor A and the burner with the earth. At the upper end
of the latter, long points are provided which project into the flame.
The positive electrode is connected with the negative over a condenser
5 and the induction coil 9 with the earth.
The novelty in this invention is firstly, the use of
incandescent cathodes opposite positive poles which are connected with
large metallic capacities as automatic collecting surfaces, (2) the
connection of the incandescent cathodes with the earth whereby, in
addition to the electricity conveyed to them from the battery or
machine which causes the incandescing, also the negative charge of the
earth potential is conveyed, and (3) the connection of the positive and
negative poles of the radiating collectors over a condenser circuit
alone or with the introduction of a suitable inductive resistance,
whereby simultaneously an oscillatory oscillation circuit may be
obtained. The collecting effect is by these methods quite considerably
I declare that what I claim is: --- [ Claims not included
here ]
British Patent # 157,262
(10 July 1922)
Improvements in Electric Motors
Hermann Plauson // Otto Traun’s
Forchungs-Laboratorium GmbH
This invention relates to that type of motor in which
rotation is produced by means of the attraction and repulsion of
surfaces carrying charges of electricity.
According to this invention a stator and rotor are formed of
condensor surfaces and charges of electricity thereon imposed in the
form of alternating currents of high frequency.
The invention is more particularly described with reference
to the accompanying drawing in which: ---
Figure 1 shows a simple form of motor and feed.

Figure 2 is a modification of Figure 1.

Figure 3 shows one form of a spiral condenser surface.
Figure 4 shows a wire wound condenser surface.
Figure 5 is a diagram of one type of rotor,

The inner plates of the condenser 5 and 6 are charged from a
spark gap 7, 8 connected to a source of energy of sufficiently high
pressure (alternating or direct current), until the potential has risen
so far that a spark springs over.
The spark gap 7, 8 forms with the condenser 5 and
self-inductance 9 and condenser 6 a closed oscillatory circuit and
alternating currents of high frequency will be produced in this
circuit. The high frequency current produced in the primary circuit 9
excite by induction in the secondary circuit 10 currents of the same
The improved type of motor is fed by the discharges produced
by the induction in the secondary circuit.
Hitherto only Tesla’s motor system (shown diagrammatically
in Figure 1, 16 and 17) was known for this purpose. The above-mentioned
diagram is only shown for illustrating the fundamental principle. It
has however no practical interest for carrying out large machines by
reason of the impossibility of the regulation and the low efficiency.
Now according to this process, all these defects are
overcome by the construction of a machine which is applicable for high
frequency currents and of a more or less undamped nature. The
difference between the principle of construction of these motors as
compared with those hitherto customary consists in that the motor is
not based on the principle of magnetic induction only (as have been all
motors hitherto and also Tesla’s motors).
It has been fund that the machine constructed according to
Figure 1 cannot only be fed directly with static electricity but if it
is connected to a source of high frequency current it will operate.
The applicants call this new type of motors ‘condenser
motors’ to differentiate them from hitherto existing types.
The simplest form of construction of such condenser motors
is shown in Figure 1, and this motor may be fed with high frequency
alternating currents.
At a given moment positive electricity is charged by means
of the lead 14 to the stator surface 1 and to the brush 3x (Figure 1).
The brush 3x is connected with the rotor condenser surface 3, so that
both the stator surface 1 and also the rotor surface 3 is charged with
positive electricity. The stator surface 1 and the rotor surface 3
being both charged with positive electricity and the second rotor
surfaces 4 and 4a by brushes 4x with negative electricity, such motors
can then be started by providing intermediate stator surfaces 11, 12,
the earth connection 13 of one of which is broken by a switch (not
shown) according to the direction of rotation desires, or alternatively
the motor may be started by a separate source of alternating current in
a manner similar to the starting of synchronous motors of known
construction. After a half revolution of the rotor the brush 3x comes
in contact with the second collector surface 4 so that now this surface
is connected by the brush 3x with the stator surface 1 and the brush 4x
with the collector surface 3. Consequently with a reverse direction of
current through the second half of the oscillation period all the
hereinbefore mentioned effects take place in the reverse direction
which, however, produces no alteration in the direction of rotation
because the dead points between two directions of oscillation are
overcome by inertia.
Although this motor is easy to start it can only be employed
for small experimental and measuring purposes because the stator and
rotor surfaces are made of solid metal and are heated by Foucalt (eddy)
currents. In spite of its simplicity and its unsuitability for use in
practice it must however be regarded as a basic type for technical
The condenser motor shown in Figure 2 differs from Figure 1
by the rotor surfaces consisting of six condenser surfaces connected
one behind the other in series and they are connected with three
collector surfaces, so that at any one moment only two adjacent
collector surfaces come under the two brushes (3 and 4). In its other
actions it corresponds to Figure 1. The leads 14 and 15 may be
connected either to the ends of the secondary coil 10 or directly with
the source of energy. The outer thicker line indicates the stator
surfaces 1 and 2 (that is to say the unmoving part of the motor), 11
and 12 shown by thick dotted lines means earthed additional poles of
the stator, 8, 9, and 10 are the outer parts of the rotor condenser
surfaces which in turn are connected with the collector surfaces 8, 9,
and 10. 5, 6, and 7 are the inner parts of the condenser surfaces of
the rotor and 3 and 4 are brushes.
Hitherto stator and rotor surfaces of compact metal have
been spoken of. These however become highly heated with eddy currents
and hardly yield 10-15% of useful effect. In examining into such small
useful effects it was found that certain forms of metal sections in the
stator and condenser surfaces highly increase these. It was then
further found that if slots or notches be cut in the metal surfaces of
the stator and rotor in the form of a spiral, not only was a higher
useful effect possible, but also an easier starting and even a
regulation could be obtained.
Experiments have shown that by such a form of construction
it is possible to build a very useful motor for high frequency
alternating currents more particularly those of an undamped nature.
If for example the system of construction of a stator shown
in Figure 1, but four polar, be taken and the system of rotor
construction shown diagrammatically in Figure 5, but with the form of
construction of the condensers of the stator as well as of the rotor
according to Figure 3, a condenser motor is obtained which works well
in either direction for high frequency alternating current. It was also
observed that the motors in such forms of construction were found to be
more sensitive to resonance effects. Such a motor then works the best
if stator and rotor surfaces have equal capacity and self-inductance so
that the windings both in the stator and also in the rotor are in
A motor constructed according to the foregoing kind is
already fully technically applicable. But even these motors have a
series of faults, more particularly in their building construction. For
example, the attachment of the spiral condenser surfaces both of the
stator and of the rotor sown in Figure 3 are in practice difficult to
carry out. Therefore in practice the condenser and stator surfaces are
simply wound of wire or bands in the form shown in Figure 4. Such
stator and rotor surfaces may, without further difficulty, be regarded
as electromagnetic poles, although they are not made of iron as is the
case in electromagnets. Such machines may be spoken of directly as
motors for high frequency alternating currents in which the separate
pole surfaces consists of wound induction condenser surfaces of which
one is sound on the stator and the other on the rotor.
If the coil as shown in Figure 4 be made of well insulated
wires the coil can be embedded in insulating material either for the
stator or motor surfaces as has already been done in the case of
ordinary single and multiphase motors. At the same time the possibility
is afforded by increasing the number of turns to produce a greater or
smaller alteration of the self induction co-efficients.
In Figure 5 is shown a modified construction of a rotor for
a four pole motor consisting of four condenser surfaces 1, 2, 3, 4, of
which 1 and 2 are connected though an iductance 9 coupled with the coil
10. Four inner surfaces 5, 6, 7, 8 are provided of which 5 and 6 are
directly connected also 7 and 8 similarly connected.
The pairs of like poles are connected by wires 14 and 15 to
the source of energy. By a suitable selection of the values of the
reactance and capacity in these circuits resonance circuits may be
Having now particularly described and ascertain the nature
of our said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed,
we declare that what we claim is: --- [Claims not included here]
British Patent # 157,263
Process & Apparatus for Converting
Static Atmospheric Electrical Energy into Dynamic Electrical Energy of
any Suitable High Periodicity
Hermann Plauson // H.O. Traun’s
Forschungs-Laboratorium GmbH
Static aerial electricity in the form of direct current can
be converted by using spark gaps and with the assistance of oscillatory
circuits into dynamic electrical wave energy of a high number of
alternations of a more or less undamped nature and in such form ---
either direct or by means of a special kind of resonance or 'condenser
motors' --- ready to be utilized for technical purposes as mechanical
For small installations this system may be very well
employed; about 100 horsepower may be stated as practical limit. In
constructions of larger aggregate difficulties as regards the spark
gaps however increase considerably. Further it is desirable to convert
the accumulated currents of from 100 to 1000 periods which may then be
used for the ordinary types of alternating current machines instead of
into electromagnetic waves of a high number of alternations.
In experimenting with condenser motors the construction of
which forms the object of British Patent # 157,262 it was observed that
the rotor, if one pole of the stator surface be connected with the
aerials collecting aerial electricity and the other pole with the
earth, not only could act as a motor, but if vice versa the rotor
connection with the stator be interrupted and the rotor caused to
rotate by means of another motor, that when the brushes supply an
alternating current the periodicity of which is dependent on the number
of poles and the revolutions of the rotor. Such an apparatus may
therefore be regarded as a transformer of static into dynamic
electrical energy.
The invention is more particularly described with reference
to the accompanying diagrams in which: ---

In Figure 1A is a strong accumulator battery, 1 and 2 are
the outer poles of the transformer, consisting of simple metallic
plates or are as shown in Figures 8-11, made of wire coils without an
electromagnet being present. Between these poles an armature is
revolubly mounted on a shaft, which armature also consists of two
similar cylindrically curved plates 3 and 4. These are metallically
connected with two collector rings 5 and 6 on which two brushes 7 and 8
freely run which again are short-circuited with one another over a
primary coil 9. 10 is the secondary coil with the free ends 11 and 12.
If through the accumulator battery the stator plate 1 is charged with
positive electricity, it induces a charge of reverse sign on the rotor
surface 3 which is connected by the brushes 7 and 8 over the primary
coil 9 with the second rotor surface 4. This latter is therefore
charged with positive electricity, which in turn induces negative
electricity on the stator surface 2/ Up to this moment everything takes
place in the same way as if two condensers were connected one behind
the other in the current circuit A. If however, by means of mechanical
power, this rotor be caused to rotate, the surface conditions are
altered. After a quarter revolution the rotor plates are between the
stator plates and therefore no condenser surface faces another. By this
means however, the capacity of the entire system is reduced to a
minimum and a change of current will also result in the main 9. Now if
the rotor be turned further through 90 degrees by mechanical energy the
rotor plate 3 comes opposite the stator plate 2 and the rotor plate 4
opposite the stator plate 1, so that then the rotor pates are in a
field of reverse sign. A fresh charge of current in the reverse
direction now runs through the primary coil 9. After a further half
revolution the same action is repeated so that after a full revolution
the initial condition is again produced. The result of such a
revolution is an alternating current the periodicity of which is equal
to the number of revolution. In practice of course not two poles but as
many poles as possible would be employed because thereby the number of
alternations would e considerably increased. The primary alternating
current thus obtained induces in the secondary circuit an alternating
current the potential of which is dependent on the winding of the coil.
Figure 7 shows a multipolar machine.
If the stator surface 1, instead of being connected with the
battery be connected with a collecting aerial network and the other
stator surface 2 be directly earthed, but the rotor wich is otherwise
constructed as hereinbefore, be rotated by a separate motor a much
stronger alternating current results which is to be ascribed to the
circumstance that a much higher potential can be charged on the pole
surfaces of the stator by reason of the higher pressure of the static
electricity than where accumulators are employed. By this means the
transformer has of course much larger quantities of energy supplied to
Figure 2 shows a mode of connections. The stator surface 1
is connected with the aerial antennae which is connected through the
safety spark gap F to earth at E1. The stator surface 2 is directly
earthed at E2. The inner revoluble rotor surfaces 3 and 4 are
interconnected by means of an induction coil which is constructed
directly in the motor. The current is taken as in Figure 1 up to
collector rings by means of brushes, which are not shown for the sake
of clearness, and further conveyed through the conductors 11 and 12.
Between these a condenser 5 may be inserted. There is thereby formed a
short oscillatory oscillation circuit free from spark gaps, which
circuit consists of the induction coil 9 and condenser 5 and is fed by
the periodic charging current impulse. By this means the possibility is
afforded of obtaining a kind of current which is characterized by
longer periods and is undamped and oscillatory. Of course a simple
alternating current may be obtained by cutting out the condenser.
Instead of the induction coil the condenser may also b
constructed in the rotor. His can be carried out in such a way that its
ends serve directly as collector rings for taking current through the
brushes. In Figure 3 such a motor is sketched in perspective, 3 and 4
are the rotor surfaces, 5 and 6 are the condenser surfaces constructed
to form part of the rotor consisting of two co-axial cylinders fitting
one in the other in such a way that free room is left for the brushes 7
on one end of the condenser cylinder 6.
The condenser may be made in the form of a cylindrically
wound spiral forming the capacity and reactance as shown in Figure 4. A
further type of transformer is shown in Figure 5. The difference
consists in the stator and rotor surfaces not only each assuming a
quarter of the circuit but almost the half. By this means the space and
the effective condenser surface is better utilized. Charge is produced
only when the rotor surfaces face the full scope of the stator
In addition a condition is obtained in which the stator
surfaces are inductively connected by the rotor surfaces. The
consequence of this is that an alternating current simultaneously
results which is produced without sparking otherwise the connection is
as before.
Figure 6 shows the alternation of the rotor surfaces; the
rotor here consists of two cylindrical condenser plates arranged
concentrically, each divided into two halves and connected so that half
the inner cylinder is connected to half the outer. Such a machine shows
the more complete transformer action.

Figure 7 shows a four polar transformer. It consists of a
metal casing, the lower half of which is fastened with the foundation
plates 17 to the support or foundation. The upper half, the cover, is
connected by bolts 15 and 16 firmly with the under part. This upper
sleeve or casing is insulated from the under part. Two rings 1 and 2
are cylindrically constructed in the casing. The ring 1 is metallically
connected with the collector aerial and the ring 2 with the earth. On
both rings an equal number of stator surfaces are mounted side by side
but well insulated from one another and thus form an electrostatic
field similar to the electromagnetic in many alternating current
machines. The rotor consists in similar manner of two rings 5 and 6 on
which an equal number of rotor surfaces are fixed so that each stator
surface faces a rotor surface. By the brushes 7 and 8 the alternating
current formed is removed from the collector. The charge is conveyed by
the conductor 14 to and by 13 away. If this rotor be then rotated by
means of a motor the positive and negative fields precisely as in the
case of magnetizing will alter and thereby an alternating current is
formed in the rotor, the periods of which are dependent on the number
of the poles and the revolutions per second.
At the commencement it was thought that this apparatus could
only be regarded as alternating current converters, but it was soon
found that much more energy was necessary to rotate the rotor than
might be necessary to overcome the friction. It was then found that the
considerable expenditure of energy for rotating the rotor was caused by
a conductor being moved through strongly electrostatic fields since the
electrostatic lines of force must be cut at right angles and that
further in the conductors a stronger current arose than was otherwise
to be expected. This apparatus must therefore not only be regarded as a
transformer, but also as an energy producer, with the difference that
the excitation here is obtained instead of by means of electromagnets,
by static fields of high pressure. The entire system may, to some
extent, be compared with a dynamo in which the excitation takes place
by means of a fixed constant magnet. It was further ascertained that
this way of using the atmospheric electricity produced a sort of
suction on the collector network, and that thus suitable greater
quantities of current could be obtained.
The effects which in this apparatus became evident are
extremely interesting and open a prospect of being able to obtain here
a great deal more. Merely that these transformer made it possible to
transform suitable quantities of atmospheric electricity into
alternating current of high or lower frequency (without the use of
spark gaps) shows already the extreme utility of these apparatus.
Should in future, the construction of larger aggregates be necessary
the transformer installation may be constructed in such a way that
motors which are fed by a current obtained from an installation with
spark gaps produce a certain quantity of energy which may then be
employed for producing current according to the last described system.
The results of the examinations made for this may be
construed as follows.
(1) If solid electrodes (condenser surfaces, rotor and
stator surfaces) are employed they become hot. This effect may be
considerably reduced by cutting the electrodes in ribbed form Figure 8,
but not entirely removed. This form allows the surface of the condenser
plate to be enlarged or increased; the electrodes may be fastened in a
simple manner on the under frame by perforation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

(2) If nicks or notches in spiral form as shown in Figure 9
seen from the side end in Figure 10 in section are employed, not only
is the transformer effect greater but the poles yields also more
current, but require greater quantities of energy for their movement
than a simple commutator action would require.

(3) The greatest effect is obtained if the rotor and stator
surfaces are wound in flat spiral form of suitably thick wire, and in
such a way that the inductive effect combining with the capacity is
calculated in suitable proportion and this result is adapted to a
suitable periodicity. In practice this is preferably done by the wire
bent in spiral form being inserted in a separate vulcanite or hard
rubber mass (see Figure 11) so that a smooth pole surface is formed
similar to that in phase motors.

Regular undamped oscillations of a high frequency may
however be produced if the converter be carried out in the manner shown
in Figure 13. The aerial wire L is metallically connected with the ring
20. To this two pole surfaces 1 and 2 are connected. The inductive
earth pole is also connected with a second ring 10 from which again
two, poles 1a and 2a are branched off. Of course in similar manner any
suitable number of poles may be branched of. In similar manner there
are in the rotor two poles fastened to one another (3 and 4 and 3a and
4a) connected with separate collector rings. From these two rings the
current is collected by means of two brushes. The induced alternating
current is however directly metallically connected with an inductive
earth stator conductor over an induction coil 9. Further a combined
inductance and capacity 5 is inserted between the two wires 11 and 12
in parallel with the converter. By this means a sparkless oscillatory
circuit is obtained which can act on the exciting current in the
stator. This produces however, a periodic alteration of the charging
quantities according to the oscillation curves of the rotor currents in
consequence of which the stator charge also commences with resonance
oscillations and if the stator and rotor surfaces are calculated to one
another in such a way that they are adapted to form oscillations of
waves of similar length the entire converter is caused to oscillate and
furnishes undamped oscillations of a high number of alternations, but
of periodically changed amplitude, the form of which is dependent on
the amplitude of the main alternating current and is caused by the
number of the poles and revolutions per second. Thus an alternating
current of, for example, 100 periods is formed, the separate periods of
which are formed by undamped oscillations of a higher number of
alternations. In Figures 14-16 four other diagrams of converters are
illustrated, the object of which is not to produce usual alternating
current, but oscillations of high frequency.

The main difference of these systems from those previously
described is that from the connection of the collecting aerials is made
between the stator pole 1 (Figure 14) and one pole 16 of the condenser
17 and the earth connection between a second stator pole 2 and the pole
18 of the condenser 19. The other poles of these condensers 17 and 19
are short circuited through a ring over two inductive primary coils 9
and 9a with one another. The secondary coils form the rotor conductors
10 and 10a. The rotor itself is constructed in the manner shown in
Figure 6 of two short-circuited plate condensers which may be wound as
shown in Figure 11. In similar manner of course the stator surfaces may
also be formed. The collector rings of the rotor with the two brushes
for collecting current are here not shown in order to simplify the
drawings. By the connection of the two condensers in the exiting
circuit of the converter and also by the action of the alternating
current produced in the rotor on the stator circuit, with a correct
calculation of the capacity and the self-induction co-efficients a
maximum action may be obtained. The kind of current produced will
be similar to that described for Figure 12.

The novelty of the converter illustrated in Figure 15
consists mainly in that the current resulting in the rotor is not
directly employed, but only serves a exciter of the primary coils 9a
and 9b. The working current is produced in the secondary coils 10 and
10a and further conducted through the conductors 11 and 12. The stator
current may be brought by the regulatable inductive resistance 9 to the
same resonance as the rotor current.

In Figure 16 a very similar system is shown to Figure 14.
The condenser 5 is however connected in parallel with the converter;
and by the inductive resistance constructed in the rotor a short
circuited oscillatory circuit is formed which gives extraordinarily
good results and is simple in construction.
The inductive resistance 9 may also instead of being
constructed in the rotor be constructed as primary coil employed
outside the rotor and short circuit the oscillatory circuit over the
stator surfaces (see Figure 17).

The last six types serve only for producing oscillations of
a high number of alternations. If it be desired to obtain ordinary
alternating current there complicated constructional arrangements are
not required as the types illustrated in Figures 1 to 11 suffice. It is
self-evident that these arrangements may be altered in various ways by
means of different condenser surfaces in practice.
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of our
said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, we
declare that what we claim is: --- [ Claims not included here ]